Monday, October 11, 2010

Block or No Block

I keep telling myself that it has been long since I have posted something and also try to argue with myself that there are people who might be waiting to read what I have to scribble, but laziness, procrastination and Europe prevail in random order. However, it would be a serious shame if I lost touch with a form of expression which a handful of friends have appreciated so generously. In fact, the gap has been significant enough to make me a little paranoid of getting the much-feared "Writer's Block" - a phase in the life of a creative person where he or she just fails to produce any new work. The scary thing about the phase is it could last for any period of time and many are known not to come out of it. Some clarifications and disclaimers that I would like to make is that I don't consider myself a very creative person, but nevertheless, I still thought I could have Writer's Block and hence, I decided to hit the keyboard come what may.

One thing never fails to surprise me is the tricks the mind plays. Sometimes, a little solitude is what one craves for and suddenly when he gets it, he starts feeling lonely and left out. On exactly the same day, I sometimes feel a lot is happening in life for me to handle and in the evening I might feel that life is actually monotonic, dull and uneventful. Most of you would know that I am on an exchange trip equipped with a Schengen Visa and a Eurail Pass which gives me access to any part of the beautiful continent. Coupled with the fact that I have an extended weekend every week, some part of Europe is always calling with open arms. What might sound so awesomely exciting can surprisingly seem routine at times. Enjoyment, happiness and joy are all states of the mind and depending on the mood of extremely moody mind, a whole new city could appear much like any other European city with the same type of churches, streets and houses, or even good old Maastricht can seem so infinitely interesting and full of life.

Switzerland, Austria and Prague in Czech Republic are the destination for this weekend starting thursday and ending on wednesday with the first and probably only bunks of this block. If time permits, we might also pay a visit to Budapest. I wish I can catch snowfall somewhere in Europe during the exchange term or it would remain one of the things I have been dying to watch from a long long time. I went to see Bruges in Belgium yesterday with some friends who have come over from France. Though most of my friends felt that the city was very overrated, I found it quite beautiful and maybe it was just because I was in a good mood and they weren't. Or maybe they were expecting something really spectacular. Apparently, the place got highly popular due to a Colin Farell starring thriller movie titled "In Bruges". Thanks to the wonderful net speed we have here, I downloaded it and will be seeing it soon after hitting the post button.

Bon Soir,

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