Monday, August 9, 2010

Luck, By Chance

One of the crucial variables which influence the sequence of events, happenings and experiences called life is, whether we like it or not, LUCK. The power of the environment and one's surroundings to play havoc with our 'plans' is something that many of us are not really comfortable with. Though few would really contest the presence of an 'invisible hand of fate', but it might be interesting to explore the various 'stands' people choose to take to accept its presence in their lives.

Exploring the four dominant stands I feel is pretty inclusive and will address the type of relationship most people have with the often elusive, but enchanting 'Lady Luck'.

Perennial Cursers

We would have inevitably have had our fair share of encounters with people belonging to this profile. They are supposedly the most unfortunate people in the whole world. They feel that Lady Luck likes to seduce them to the bed, and then vanish into thin air. They complain that 'teasing' them is her favorite past time. And the worst part is that they are extremely vocal about it. They would speak at length about how close they were to achieving the dream of their lives, but then 'fate' decided to hand them rotten tomatoes instead. I've listened to such people and can't say that it is a very pleasurable experience. I feel that after a couple of failures, they go into a sort of 'self-fulfilling prophecy' mode – branding themselves as losers and hence, ending up proving it true.

Eternal Paranoids

They are the most eccentric of the lot. They realize and acknowledge the overbearing impact 'luck' or 'chance' play in their lives and want to believe that they have a way to influence it. Many top industrialists in India fall into this category. One astrologer who had proved to be right about something, or turned out to be lucky for them loses no opportunity to fleece the 'moolah' out of their ever willing cash cows. However, I personally feel that no matter how much you trust your astrologer, or believe in the 'rings' you wear on your fingers to ward you from misfortune and evil, they fail to buy what you seek the most : "Peace of Mind". Fear about the uncertainty and paranoia regarding the unknown dictate their life and they are usually quite gullible.

Firm Deniers

An interesting stand which people take is one taken by people who claim "I am the Master of my own Fate. I am the captain of my ship." Yes, it sounds bold, chivalrous, exciting and it probably is. This category of people believes that results are proportional to 'talent' and 'effort' or feel that good comes to those who deserve. They probably have had numerous instances in their lives to reinforce their views and usually are strong willed, passionate and ambitious. They are the 'go-getters' of the world. No barrier is too much for them. No height is too high for them. I admire their spirit and am slightly envious of them, to be entirely honest.


Probably the most uninteresting people of the four. They understand and acknowledge that there are certain things that they cannot do anything about and other things that they can do something about. They reduce the worry and tension in their lives by classifying all their worries into either of these lists. Then they try not to think about the variables which are out of their control and redirect their focus on things they can impact, control or change. These are good people to ask for advice as they usually are better at weighing both sides of the equation before rushing into a decision. But they can be terribly boring at times.

This is the second post of the 'Inspired Thought' series. And hopefully, more will follow.


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