Tuesday, March 29, 2011


How wonderful would it be if we could channel our rage, rant and rambling into something creative. That is a time when the mind speaks without constraints, rattles without any holds barred and gives a bloody damn about the consequences. This is a time I show my boring, pragmatic and rational self the middle finger and become an entirely different and probably even interesting character. But as the title suggests, I ain't really feeling an aura of awesomeness around me like Barney Stinson, but rather feeling like someone whom I would usually laugh at, a complete idiot! Though Aamir Khan has made it incredibly cool to be one, I must say it ain't really so cool.

What really happened that has brought on this antagonistic tone? What are the events that led to the realization of my momentous stupidity? I know readers would revel in the gorier details, but I am not inclined to go any further. Well, isn't it modest enough of me to admit I am feeling stupid. Yes, it most certainly is. Is there someone to blame? Yes, of course. We all love scapegoats, don't we? But where was my head when I needed it the most? Oh, it says it has an excuse - the four letter word. No, not the one which begins with an 'f'. The more mushier one. How lame. Yes, I know you are thinking exactly that, but you don't need to say it out aloud.

So, have I become a sceptic now? Maybe I have. What happened to the eternal optimist? Oh, that naive kid? Consider this his obituary. May his soul rest in peace. He was a nice guy. I knew him well. Diabetically sweet. Died of heart failure. Can't believe I actually found the last line funny. Well, before any of you probe queries or want to say things like 'shit happens', I would issue a disclaimer saying that descriptions are often over-exaggerated to make them sound more vivid. So, I am completely fine. Moreover, the idiota who needed sympathy is dead. Isn't he?

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