Thursday, July 2, 2009

First Impressions

Its almost been a month since I've set foot into IIM Bangalore and my experience of this place has been loaded with surprises. The initial preparatory classes started off on a very light note at a time when there were very few people on the campus and it seemed quite dull and lifeless, devoid of any activity. Financial Accounting was not that fearful a monster that it had been made out to be. Preparatory Quantitative Methods was a revelation at the beginning as much as it was a nightmare towards the end. The prof. tried his level best to get us interested into math and the inevitability of us escaping through the system without being proficient at it. However, three weeks passed and I got to know a few people and was none the wiser about how much of 'magic' I created by putting the pen to the paper.

What we were waiting with bated breath was the orientation week that was to follow after the registration formalities on 22nd June. The time from morning to about 6pm in the evenings had some scheduled activity, which was the 'easy' part. The part which followed was unpredictable, hectic and exhausting. The first night was spent in two activities where we were supposed to 'know' and 'bond' with our seniors at a personal level. GBMs(General Body Meetings) by any of the student bodies like SAC(Student Affairs Council), PlaceCom could be announced at anytime and tasks like getting our resumes made handed out with strict deadlines. The message which we were supposed to get drilled into our worthless gray skulls was "Deadlines are SACROSANCT " in this place. And the typical deadline style here is XX:59:59.. It could be 11:59:59 pm or 01:59:59 am ! Apart from deadlines, there were also fun sessions organized by the seniors where forms filled by 'creative' and 'passionate' batchmates of ours were dissected for laughs in front of everyone. Hardly anyone would have spent more than 2-3 hours of sleep during the week. On the last day there was a PPT(Pre-placement Talk) by a fictitious company which was then followed by a 'watery' welcome by the PGP2 batch. We got a chance to 'hoosh' a lot of PGP2's and the expression on our faces was of pure delight.

A lot of details have been skipped for the purpose of brevity and conciseness and individual aspects can be dealt later at the perogative of the author. Ha! That was good..


  1. Hmmmm

    looks like B is a good option in case I don't get to WIMWI :P

    kkk ... no kidding.

    cograts bro for getting into one of the most in demand colleges of India.
    And hey, best of luck for the futchha year, coz I've heard and read a lot abt how diff life is at IIMs for the first yearites.

  2. Aah ...

    I didn't realize that u r my senior.
    Srry if the informality of previous comment bothered you.
    But best of luck anyways.

  3. Thnx.. Yeah, life is tough here, but u learn to adapt. The informality isn't an issue. All the best for your CAT efforts..

  4. ooohh..din kno u guys had such a warm welcome at IIM-B..sounds super kewl 2 m though..!!:)


  5. Though it was taxing on us, we got to know a lot of the seniors and our own batchmates.. It was the fastest and most effective way to achieve this!
